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The Busy DM and The Hectic Game

There's this old, outdated stereotype of RPG players who do nothing but play these games. While I, quite honestly, see nothing wrong with this way of living it is fairly outdated for how the modern world handles tabletop gaming. Currently, Dungeons and Dragons is one of the most played and most well known RPG's to grace the shelves of whatever store you may come across. The History Of book adorns the shelves of Wal-Mart and Target. Everyone and their grandmother is playing Dungeons and Dragons, and doing so between Classes, Work, family obligations. People aren't inherently busier but with a game that typically requires a large commitment it is very calming to be able to play the game with a smaller time commitment and looser rules, as newer editions have allowed for. Now, I am a full time student currently. I have duties and things I absolutely have to do if I want my life to run smoothly. And we all live like this. Sometimes people can play a Game for twenty hours str

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